01-03/12/18 Public Cooling House at the Botanical Gardens

12pm – 4pm

Allow 30 mins

$10 – $15

Royal Botanic Gardens

Victoria, Melbourne Gardens

Unfortunately I am going to still be in Chilly Europe when this is on, however Justin Marshall and Michiko Ogawa will be performing the beautiful cooling sound immersion that Justin and I developed especially for this stunning structure. I highly recommend going along!

A unique dry-country approach to a chillout, the flat-pack Punctum’s Public Cooling House can be used in any shaded area as a way to beat the heat. All you need is airflow. Drawing from simple and ancient evaporative cooling techniques and including soothing cooling pools, Public Cooling House presents water works by exceptional artists, responding to how we might contend with heat waves, water scarcity and brown-outs.

Roll up your sleeves, skirts and slacks, slip off your socks and step inside. Get in up to your knees and splish-splash, kicking back in a cool place for a hot future.

More info and booking