Saturday 16th Dec 3-8pm: Unhearable chords

A mini-festival near Kilmore, Victoria, in a beautiful old hall full of percussion and a grand piano. Bring food and drinks to share, shoes suitable for trekking outdoors, and any kind of sound making instrument/your voice if you think you may feel compelled to join in for a very simple semi-improvised piece by Sage Pbbt.

You are welcome to bring a donation for the artists too, if you feel compelled to!
Address sent on RSVP. Please email:

Music by: Simon Charles, Aviva Endean, Phoebe Green, Josten Myburgh [WA], Carolyn Schofield, Tourist Kid [WA], Dan Thorpe [SA], Carmen Chan

And scores by Michael Pisaro, James Tenney, Simon Charles and Sage Pbbt
More to be announced!

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